Middle Egyptian Grammar
Dr. Gabor Toth
Rutgers University
“Egyptian philology should never lose sight of the fact that her chief title to existence is as handmaid to the sovereign humanities of literature, history, and the study of the mind of man…In ideal conditions Egyptologists would be compelled to re-translate all their inscriptions and papyri as frequently as revised editions of the great European encyclopaedias are now accustomed to appear.”
-Battiscombe Gunn and Alan H. Gardiner1
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Gabor Toth: Introduction to Middle Egyptian Grammar
through Ancient Writings
Publisher: Linus Learning (August 6, 2013) 382 pages
ISBN-10: 1-60797-353-7, ISBN-13: 978-1-60797-353-9
http://linusbooks.com/?s=Toth Fax: 631 242 0369
Middle Egyptian Grammar Blogger
1. Preface
2. Table of Contents
3. Index
4. Bibliography and Abbreviations
5. Errata and Notes
6. Exercises and Solutions
50:615:387 Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs (3 credits)
Rutgers University – Camden, Fall 2013
Hieroglyphic Signs
(study-aid by Denise Hassinger)
Further Readings and Grammar
A. Texts
B. Artifacts
C. Stelae
1. JEA 4 (1917) p.241.